In a few days time arguably the most important event in recent history will begin. That event is the BRICS summit from October 22nd to 24th in Kazan, capital of Tatarstan, Russia. Old and new members will meet to discuss the next steps in reinforcing the trading network between them. The hot topic for this summit will be the creation of a system of financial transfers between all members that releases them from the grip of the USA and those confined to its orbit.

The movement away from the West and toward Eurasia and the East will be still further reinforced at the coming summit. Undoubtedly more nations will announce their interest in joining BRICS. In recent months Türkiye has expressed its strong interest. Some 30+ other nations have also done so in the past year. This alliance of trading nations is attracting all those countries who seek an alternative to the West-dominated systems that have dominated world trade for so long now. Institutions such as the G7 and G20, the IMF and World Bank.

The BRICS bank will provide investment capital under far better conditions than any western institution while the general ethos of the BRICS grouping will provide a safe, tolerant space for nations with all manner of governance systems. Building relations through trade and cultural exchange will replace the generally cold, threatening, intolerant and unforgiving systems of the West that have dominated the world until now. There will be an end to western sanctions regimes and none will be required within BRICS. The new systems being built within BRICS now will exclude the possibility of the USA or any other western nation imposing bilateral sanctions on any BRICS nation.

Increasingly local, national currencies are being used for trade across BRICS nations. The dependency on the US dollar as the world reserve currency is diminishing and in due course the USA will be unable to threaten, blackmail and impose sanctions on nations. The world outside the area controlled by the West will no longer be at the mercy of western “values” imposed as Holy Writ. Nations will be free to enjoy full sovereignty, an inalienable and treasured right that has been denied them until now. No longer will nations be coerced into assisting the West in its regime change wars of choice.

Slowly but surely as a result of the BRICS group growing in strength the political elites of the West with their attitudes of self-rewarding, self-regarding and self-interested exceptionalism and superiority will lose their power to threaten others either economically or militarily. They will sooner or later have to accept that in a world where there is multipolarity there is no place for any single nation or group of nations to have and exert overweening power, influence and right to command, threaten and punish others. The world of the past where the collective west demanded all others bow to it or else, will end.

The until now responsibility-free ability of the western elites to interfere worldwide, even to the extent of invading other nations, will be curtailed and ultimately ended altogether. There will be no obedience to the West’s demand that all work under the banner of ‘Western Values’ rather than the principles enshrined in the charter of the United Nations. That end game ploy to insist upon western dominance as opposed to collective responsibility within the UN will not stand. As the BRICS group expands, the ability of the USA to demand and exert unwarranted influence will shrink and ultimately will enter a time of full quarantine.

It will be up to the leadership of the USA and its partner nations to bite the bullet, acknowledge that they are nations equal to others but not superior to them. When this becomes fully internalized where the previous notions of exceptionalism and superiority have been fully exorcized from western elite minds, then these nations will be ready to join all others on the road to a truly civilized world. Though naturally there will be problems to resolve in that new world the chances that they can be resolved without threat, blackmail, coercion or violence will be exponentially greater than before. That world will see bridges built, not burned, hands reaching out in friendship rather than fists aimed at “adversaries” and every effort will go into building trust, not barriers. This new world awaits… and in just a few days time strong foundations for that world will be laid in Kazan.


Author: Београдски форум